Monday, September 10, 2012

Msgr. Anthony Brouwers

Monsignor Anthony Brouwers, the Director of the Propagation of the Faith in Los Angeles, visited Africa to attend the Marian Conference in 1954.  Remaining and traveling throughout Africa to meet the priests, sisters and local bishops, Msgr. Brouwers wanted to learn how the people of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles could offer assistance. He expected requests for funds, but he also heard repeatedly “We need help!”.  Bishops asked for faith-filled individuals willing and able to provide training and leadership in schools and hospitals throughout the continent. Responding to this need, Msgr. Brouwers founded Lay Mission-Helpers Association in 1955, and Mission Doctors Association in 1959.

September 5th would have Mgrs. Brouwers 100th Birthday.  Not only was his birthdate celebrated in Los Angeles but also here in Njinikom.  During the last 6  months a new TB/Special Care Unit has been under construction.  The majority of the funding for this badly needed unit has come through donors associated with Mission Doctors.  Mother Antonia has also played a big role and spear headed the effort to have the Unit named after Msgr. Brouwers.  The celebration here on Wednesday served to remember Msgr. Brouwers and also to dedicate and bless the new Special Care Unit.  Mass was concelebrated by 4 Missionary Priests and the entire medical staff was in attendance, even those working the evening and night shifts.  Father Arnold, a Mill Hill Missionary Priest from Holland gave an inspiring homily about the history of the Catholic Missions in Cameroon and tied Mgrs. Brouwers contribution in nicely.  Mass was followed by an individual blessing of every patient in the Hospital and then a blessing of the new structure.  Terry and I were very proud to represent Mission Doctors Association at this very special event.

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