Monday, July 26, 2010

Tomorrow the Sun will Rise

I started seeing patients on my own the last 3 days in the OPD(clinic) and it has gone very well.  You just have to start seeing the medical problems first hand and reorient yourself to the tropics.  I also did rounds by myself alone today and was feeling good.  The nurse did not seem to expect that I would ask her opinion on assessment and treatment.  She remarked it is was very enjoyable.  

As I was finishing this afternoon a 6 month old twin was admitted in respiratory distress and pneumonia with a oxygen saturation of 72%.  IV steroids, antibiotics and oxygen started.  I returned this afternoon to check on the child, and sadly learned that she died an hour after I left.  I do not think anyone ever gets used to the death, especially in children.  

Tomorrow the sun will rise and we will try to help those we can.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying reading your blogging. Sounds like you're getting settled in the routine of clinic/hospital life. Keep safe.
    ~Karen Wilson
